El Col·legi Jesús Salvador recull en el seu Projecte Educatiu tot un seguit de projectes, un dels més importants es el de la sensibilització en les llengues estrangeres
El noste objectiu es que els nens i nenes des d'edats ben prematures aprenguin que una tercera llengua és molt important en la societat actual. En el nostre cas després del català i el castellà ens hem bolcat amb l'anglès.
A més, a l'educació secundària afegim l'alemany i el francés.
Tanmateix en alguns casos s'ofereix la possibilitat de realitzar els exàmens de Cambridge per a obtenir els títols PET, KET, KEY o First.
Completant aquesta oferta, el centre disposa d'un mestre nadiu anglès i ofereix als alumnes que cursen cadascuna d'aquestes llengües estades a l'estranger, d'una setmana vivint amb famílies del país: Dublín , Londres, París o Berlín.
There is a wide range of projects within Jesús Salvador School's main educational programme. To increase our pupils' foreign languages awareness is one of them. We aim to foster the importance of learning a third foreign language among our students since their early childhood. Thus, since Catalan and Spanish are learnt, English language is also taught in Pre-primary education (5h a week). So, English becomes the lingua franca (the language to establish communication) in these subjects: P.E. (Physical Education) (2h per per week), TAC (New technologies)(1h) and the English subject itself (2h). In Primary education, we also maintain this premise. As well as English is taught according to the rules that the Catalan "Departament d'Ensenyament” establishes, some other subjects are also taught (and learnt) in English too, such as Arts (1'5h), P.E. (2h), TAC (1h) and Spoken English workshop (1h). Then, the total number of hours our pupils are exposed to English reaches up to 6'5h a week. Once our students are in Secondary education (ESO), they already follow this pattern (5 hours of English language exposure a week, one of them with a native teacher). We offer travels to Dublin for 4th graders, too. Furthermore, new foreign languages are introduced in ESO: German and French. From 1st to 4th grade in ESO, our students are offered to enrol the German subject for 3h a week. French is offered for 2nd and 3rd graders (1h a week) and 4th graders (3h a week). Moreover, and in some cases, our students are also offered the possibility of sitting for the official Cambridge Exams (PET, KET, KEY and First Certificate) according to their skills development within this very educational stage |